Sharon Adams
Sharon Adams, Founding Partner
I am a healthcare, public health and non-profit leader with substantial experience creating cross-sector collaboration to achieve shared goals and optimize outcomes. My leadership and governance roles include work within the health care safety-net, with health equity advocacy organizations and collaboratives, with state and local public health, in health information technology and health information exchange for communities, and in continuing education and credentialing of physicians.
In my early career, I was a direct patient care and bereavement volunteer for a large metro-Denver hospice. My passion for quality end-of-life care endures and in recent years, that interest broadened to include a focus on serious and advanced illness and how Palliative Care and Advance Care Planning can help ensure life quality and mitigate issues for families.
I am also passionate about Palliative Care for animals and am an advocate and supporter of animal wellbeing organizations and causes including equine and companion animal sanctuaries.