Mary Davis, Senior Consultant Partner
Mary Davis, DrPH, MSPH
I am passionate about training and teaching others to do evaluation well and use data for informed decision-making. With 30 years of conducting applied research and evaluations of public health programs, I want to share my experience and tips and tricks with the next generation of public health evaluators, especially those working in communities and public health practice. I have extensive experience with evaluation designs and have provided evaluation capacity building assistance to a variety of organizations. My topical expertise includes community health improvement processes, integrated behavioral health, health department accreditation, quality improvement, public health infrastructure, partnerships, and evaluating funding portfolios. Since 2014, I have primarily worked as a consultant, including serving as a team lead and providing technical expertise and staff surge capacity to a number of organizations such as Bixal, formerly Clear Outcomes, Palladium, Health Resources in Action, and WE Public Health.
I have extensive experience leading evaluation teams. Recently, I worked at Emory Centers for Public Health Training and Technical Assistance where I led teams of evaluators on a variety of training and technical assistance projects. Through my work with Health Resources in Action, I worked with multiple organizations to implement and evaluate integrated behavioral health programs in primary care clinics in the border region of Texas and provided thought leadership on evaluation capacity building with grantees.
My experience includes working in different settings with a variety of clients. Prior work settings include the University of North Carolina, Gillings School of Global Public Health, a national member association, and a for-profit consulting firm. I earned a doctorate in public health from the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health and a Master of Science in Public Health from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.